A Month Before My Baby is Born!
On February 6, 2007 my book will be selling in major bookstores across the United States. It is an odd feeling knowing those years of work and persistence is about to pay off in the form of a printed 350-page book with 51 chapters! Did I include all the best information I could? Did I represent the destinations realistically? Did I choose the right places? These questions, and many more, will continue to ramble around in my head. But what I am certain of is YES, I did include the best information I could find, YES, I represented the destinations through my experiences, and YES I chose the right places I thought would be ideal for women solo travelers.
There will be mistakes in the book, and websites won’t work, but you know, I did my best and I really hope that women will be inspired by my words and go off and explore the world. If anything, that is what I want the most – that women find their inner strength to jet – solo or with girlfriends. I just really want women to experience the world, so they can come back with a clearer understanding of other cultures and people. And, if a few of my readers build relationships and friendships with other they meet while traveling solo, then that is ever better!
Just three years ago Tango Diva and Fly Solo where just dreams stirring in my heart. Do you have something that is stirring within you?