MBT's high-tech Ari

Top 5 New Mom Necessities

Becoming a mom has been the hardest thing that I have ever done. When I got pregnant I was so excited about being able to have everything–the business, the baby, the book deals, oh and the travel. Well, things are not as easy as I expected, but I have found a few items that do double duty, and as a new mom, that is what I need. These items have made my life a lot easier and I’m sure that you’ll find them super helpful as well.

MBT's high-tech Ari
MBT’s high-tech Ari

MBTs: Walking shoes and workouts

Ideally, I’d be at the gym every morning. But that’s not going to happen. I can barely get enough time to take a shower. I got a pair of MBT Ari’s. these shoe make you use your core muscles just by wearing them. They have a patented structure that make you use your bum, tummy, and leg muscles to keep balanced and moving. Just walking is a workout. I can throw on my MBTs, head to the grocery store and by the time I’m back home I can feel the burn in my lower body. It is truly amazing.

Graco Pack and Play
Graco Pack and Play

Graco Pack and Play: Traveling Bed and Playpen

We live in a small apartment in San Francisco, so we don’t have room for a beautiful crib with matching furniture. What we have is the Graco Pack and Play and it is a lifesaver. My baby sleeps in it at night and she plays in it during the day. Then, we I send her off to grandma’s house, the system easily breaks down into a carry bag. It comes with a rod where you can hang toys and mobiles as well, which is great for little curious minds.

Orbit Baby Strollers
Orbit Baby Strollers

Orbit Baby: Stroller and Car Seat in One

This stroller is not only a stroller, it’s its own verb. I can Orbit with my baby, not just walk. The stroller seat is also a car seat that snaps into an orbit base in the car. The Orbit system offers a bassinet on a rocker – which my baby slept in for the first 4 months. The bassinet clips into the stroller base as well. So, with a few pieces from Orbit, you have a stroller, car seat, and bassinet. For you fashionistas, you will be happy to know that the stroll comes in a variety of hip colors.


Lululemon: Workout to a Night Out

OK, I spend my day nursing, burping, and keeping a new human alive while juggling client calls and writing. I can’t fit into any of my pre-pregnancy clothes and I want something that feels sexy, but still lets me move with my not-so-hot body. Lululemon has some great clothes that firm and lift while looking tres chic. Kinda like body Spanx but way sexier. Some of the pants are reversible, so I can wear them a few days in a row! What is great about many of their designs is that I can throw on one of their darling sweaters over an outfit along with a cute pair of flats and I am good to go.

Netflix mobile
Netflix mobile

Netflix Mobile: Breaking the Breastfeeding Boredom

I’ve had Netflix for years. I enjoy getting movies in the mail and having movie night. Well, then I started breastfeeding and I was bored out of my skull. I can’t just stare at my beautiful baby for 45 minutes straight 8 times a day. So, I downloaded Netflix onto my iPhone. Now, I can put in my earplugs (a must) and watch movies to my heart’s content. Now, breastfeeding is not boring at all, actually I look forward to it!

These are a few items that have made my life much easier and have helped me be the best mom I can be. No, I’m not supermom, and I need all the help that I can get. I’m not too sure what I would do without these few treasured items, luckily I don’t need to find out!

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