Detox Diva: Words of Advice

So, a few words of advice if you want to detox at the Optimum Health Institute:

I picked OHI because I had a few friends who came here and raved about it. I have to say that none of them were completely open about their experience, but they all made such dramatic changes in their health and demeanor that I wanted some of what they served at OHI. So I went into this totally enthusiastic and ready for anything….

This is a place that you come for the treatments, not for the accommodations. The grounds are pretty, but this is not Canyon Ranch or Rancho la Puerte. OHI is all about cleaning your body of toxins that create disease, cleaning your mind of harmful thoughts, and teaching you how to eat better.
If you plan on coming here alone, DO NOT SHARE A ROOM. You’ll find out why later, but this is rule number 1.

Even though OHI is inland, when you detox you get cold, so make sure to bring some warm clothes.

Exercise here is very simple lymph drainage moves, you think you are going to want to go jogging, but you won’t by day 3. So, just relax. Be gentle on yourself.

Bring your own yoga mat or towel for the class. Remember, OHI is a very basic facility. There are no pool boys here girls.
Bring a journal. The journey here is a holistic one. You will be exploring you Body, Mind, and Spirit. You will want to write your thoughts because some of them might scare you at first and getting them on paper is the first step to healing.

They say they are run by a “Mission of the Free Sacred Trinity Church” (whatever that is) don’t let that scare you. It is NOT a church.

If you have a water bottle you like, bring it. They give you one while you’re at OHI, but you might like to have your own, so you can tell it from the rest very easily.

Sleep is an illusive creature here. Your body detoxes between the hours of midnight and 4:00 am, so if you are up at those hours, don’t freak out, it is part of the process. They say not to take any non-prescription medication while you are detoxing, but I needed melatonin a few nights.

This is a process, you will never be totally free of the toxins, so be very very kind, loving an gentle on yourself.

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