Chile: Biking on the Moon – Actually a Salt Lake

Tierra Atacama, the resort and spa that we are staying at offers a ton of different excursions during your stay here. Actually, they are part of your al-inclusive package. Here is the link to pricing at Tierra Atacama. (Could they have come up with a shorter name?)

Our group went on a bike ride to the salt lake today. It was a pretty gentle ride, but I hear there are harsher bike rides and excursions that the resort offers. Honestly, I don’t really care to break anything more than a bottle of wine open, so breaking a sweat is not on my itinerary.

I really enjoyed the hour-plus ride and at the end of it we went and checked out a whole in the salt lake where a crazy Swiss tourist was swimming. Another thing I won’t do on vacation is freeze my !%$ off in water that is 40 degrees on the surface. (I am told it is warmer just under the salty, cold layer, but I was not going to find out. I did dip my toes in and that was far enough.

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