A Profound Moment

Tango Diva Teresa's private pool, Banyan Tree Repsort
Tango Diva Teresa’s private pool, Banyan Tree Repsort

When you travel alone, it’s bound to happen, that moment when you realize that you are all alone and everything is right in your world. You are where you need to be. That happened to me when I was at Banyan Tree Resort in Phuket. I was staying in a villa with my own private swimming pool and outdoor bathtub. It was the first night in months that I had nothing to do. No chapters to write, event to attend… nothing. Just me and my thoughts in this perfect place.

I prepared for my night of solitude with a small bottle of champagne and a mango. I got naked and jumped into the warm water of my beautiful pool and gazed up at the stars. Between laps I sipped champagne and ate my delicious, juicy treat not worrying if I had mango all over my face and running down my chin. The experience was out of this world.

Moments into my liberating swim the skies darkened and it started to shower. Thunder and lighting filled the sky, and I just floated, watching the heavens put on a light show for me that was simply surreal.

At that moment, I knew everything was right in my world.

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