Day Six: The End of an Era

I can’t believe that it’s almost over. This week has been truly transforming and I can understand why Deborah says that the miracle is in the week. You really do need a whole week here to settle into the culture, the idea of getting healthy, and experience the joy of doing nothing. At first it’s a struggle to let go of civilization, and  if you came here for only three days you’ll never “get it.”


Tim and I spend the whole day together and I got to choose the classes that we took all day! We started with the 6:30 am river hike, then we tried out NIA, which Tim loved. We were both feeling a bit drained, so we took 10:00 am off and decided to go walk the Labyrinth. It is amazing how powerful that space can be if you really hold true to it’s meditative intentions. While walking it I got a sense of peace. I could hear, “You are where you need to be, you are who you’re meant to be, all is well, so let it be." So I started quietly meditating on those powerful words. I need to stop projecting onto the future or struggling with my past, I needed to embrace THE NOW and LIVE IN IT to the fullest of my ability. I know I try to multi-task everywhere I go and I think this lesson is about focusing on one thing while in the present and savoring that moment. So that’s what I’m going to strive for from now on. I’ll let you know how I’m doing.



Our last night at the Ranch was topped of with a lobster dinner, WINE, beer, and a live band. It was a blast! Tim and I left at 8:30 pm to pack, shower, and go to bed. It’s 9:17 pm on Friday right now and I’m sad this adventure is about to end. We’ve had such a wonderful experience here and we’re sure to come back. I’m thinking about putting a Tango Diva trip together in May at the Ranch. Let me know if you’re interested! (



I must be the luckiest girl in the world right now. I’ve spent a week at one of America’s top spas, I’ve met the most incredible people, I’ve made a few new friends, and I’m enjoying a cup of hot peppermint tea in front of a cozy fireplace. My body feel better than it has in years, I have no pain anywhere, my skin is soft and my muscles are toned. My husband is in bed reading and all is well. At last!










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