Farwell Prague

I’m exhausted. My time in Prague was completely filled up and I’m sure that changing hotels while I was here didn’t help my stamina. When I was planning this trip, checking out 2 different design hotels sounded like a grand idea. Of course this idea was concocted while sitting comfortably in my cozy, centrally- heated house, far away from the smoked-filled hotel lobbies and freezing temperatures in Prague. Well, that all changed after feeling homeless for the past 48 hours. Both hotels – the Hotel Joseph and the Hotel Maximilian are wonderful. But I had to check out of one at 10 am and I didn’t check into the next until after 5 pm. I did spend the day exploring Prague, but the painful part was packing up my luggage three times in the past 72 hours. Once in Berlin, then twice in Prague.

Thankfully, I’ll be at the same hotel for my two nights in Budapest. I have to admit that I splurged on my last leg of this rock star trip. I’ll be staying at the Four Seasons and I even ordered a car to pick me up. I know that I would be exhausted (which I am, but I’m also very cold and sore.

It might sound like I’m complaining, and I apologize, I’m not. My time is Prague was fantastic! The first night I went out to dinner with a friend who lives in Prague. His name Justin and he took me out to this amazing Cuban restaurant that’s filled with Cubans, so I could practice my Spanish! Everyone writes on the walls and ceiling, so I asked for a pen and proceeded to write VIVA TANGO DIVA on the ceiling! If you’re in Prague, head to the Cuban restaurant, go up the stairs and look up!

Last night I went out with three Americans who I met on the train from Berlin. We went out for a fantastic international dinner at Pravda. We ended the night drinking Absinthe in a gay nightclub in the old town.

Today I took a crappy bus tour of Prague castle with 30 of my closest, annoying tourists friends. I had to leave the tour out of sheer survival, and I ended up at the communist museum. I’m now in the lobby of the Maximilian hotel, where they have free wireless!! (very rare in Europe).

Sorry I don’t have any pictures for the post. The tiny USB port that I’ve been using did something to all my pictures from London to Paris (lost them) so I’m not using it anymore. I’ve been using my camera’s big USB port and charger. But it’s way too much work to set up in the lobby here. I’ll share some pictures with you tomorrow.

In two hours, I fly to Budapest. I plan on staying in tonight and ordering room service. Tonight will be my night to chill and recuperate. Something that I have not done since this crazy trip started! I have lots of great stuff to write about and I can’t wait to share them with you in the book.

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