Tango Diva Yoga- Ecoadventure in Argentina & Chile

Tango Diva Yoga- Ecoadventure in Argentina & Chile

  Yoga, River Rafting, and Prana in the Pristine Wilderness: deepening our health and well-being as we adventure into nature’s playground… March 13 – 21st, 2005 The Retreat: ~ 8 days of immersion into deep yogic practices, delicious food, magnificent nature, and incredible adventure!! This retreat will be an opportunity to both stretch your chakras…

Diva Says: Networking – Tango Diva Style

The New York Times has crowned Teresa the title of “ubernetworker,” and in this exclusive article, she uncovers her secrets to networking success. The goal of networking is to create community through connections. Remember that it’s not all about you. 1. Be curious – ask questions about things that aren’t work related. Hobbies, sports, pets,…

Diva Says: Determining Your Time and Place

“We must use time wisely and forever realize that the time is always ripe to do right.”—Nelson Mandela “We must use time wisely and forever realize that the time is always ripe to do right.”—Nelson Mandela You should have a stack of reviews, brochures, and books about the destinations you’re thinking about exploring. You probably…