The Mission Makes a Statement
Doing my usual drive through random streets of San Francisco, I rumbled down 18th street and spied what looked like an event worth checking out.
There was this place called MISSION STATEMENT, the sidewalk crowded with people eating and drinking, and two guys behind a card table, uum, doesn’t look like a bar, some sort of demo?
And just then a parking space opened up, on 18th Street, on Valencia Street, in the Mission District ! !
I took it as a sign from the party gods.
Behold one of the hippest members of the support local movement.
The MISSION STATEMENT was celebrating their second anniversary, doing well with their designer co-op.
Many of the co-op designers were in house for the party.
The tiny store is full of funky affordable fashions and giftable products.
Mineral Makeup. Kid’s Ts.
Scarves, hats, vintage jackets, jewelry , art, even jam. All local.
Now ….back to that card table thing that caused me to stop the car.
Adam Bienvenu and Errol Davis of METAPHOR ORGANIC were demonstrating their amazing all natural, all local ingredient skin care line.
The two are a great team, Adam, the web designer, and Errol, the writer, somehow found themselves in the soap biz.
Their products can be found in local boutique hotels, and of course, on their website.
I bought a small screw-top tin of peppermint lip balm for 4 bucks and i swear it was the equivalent of those tiny tins of shea butter L’Occitane sells for $9.
Being a sufferer of chronic chapped lips i was skeptical, but covered my lips last night in the peppermint concoction and praise the lord, i awoke with new supple, smooth, kissable lips. The stuff works as a cuticle cream as well.
How do these guys do it ?
To quote their website…
“Pour the scary chemicals and stir the bubbling cauldron”.
Actually, it was a crock pot. The demo was a soap made with essential oils and orange peels.
The partners first product was a natural deodorant, but were told by their band of
women advisers that deodorant wasn’t sexy. The key to making marketable, appealing products
is great skin care products. And they went to town with a full line of arty, organic
Check out Metaphor Organics.
2016 UPDATE:
Sadly, MISSION STATEMENT has closed; such is the fate of many independent artist collectives in this economy.
If you would like to support San Francisco artists, or you are a SF artist, check out SF MADE.
Your mother told me about your new venture. This is wonderful. We have to be creative in this economy. Wishing you well. Loads of love.