Diva Says: Solo Dining: A Quick How-To
by Marya Charles Alexander
Marya Charles Alexander, editor and publisher of SoloDining.com, says “Forget room service. Having a good time while dining out alone is easier than you think. Whether you’re traveling for business or pleasure, mealtime should be fun time, and an adventure.”
Choose your restaurant and where you sit with care. Do you delight in picking up free cooking tips? Check out the growing array of restaurants offering chef’s counters that cozy up to the kitchen. Besides getting a taste for how restaurants work, you’ll find yourself kibitzing with culinary kings and queens, and with kindred counter-diners.
Connecting with other simpatico solo diners is always a pleasant possibility when you treat yourself to a meal out. Besides chef’s counters, there are other ways to enhance the likelihood you’ll meet others. Ask your hotel concierge about local restaurants that facilitate shared-table seating for solo diners. This seating style ranges from intimate (a table for two) to grand (seating for thirty or more). As beloved by couples and groups as it is by solos, communal-table dining is an incredible way to share a meal, and often gives singles an opportunity to meet locals. A terrific bonus!
Dining out alone offers many opportunities, but one of the most satisfying is the chance for self-celebration. Eat what you want, when you want it! Make a meal of hors d’oeuvres or desserts or whatever you choose. Enjoy, and allow others to minister to you for a change. Bon appetit!
To learn more about Marya and Solo Dining visit