watermelon on brown tray

Detox Diva, Day 6, Friday July 11, 2008

We are back on solid food! Breakfast is a beautiful piece of watermelon and I put some cinnamon on it to slow the absorption of sugar in my body. It taste like heaven and I am so happy. I decide that I will eat at least one raw meal a day for the rest of my life.

I feel so good now and I don’t want this feeling to end. I suffered from headaches for years and this is the first week since I can remember that I did not have a headache by 3:00 pm.

I am getting used to the shots of wheat grass and by now everyone is talking about the crazy things their bodies are doing in detox. Who knew that you could get so personal with people whom you’ve known for a mere 5 days!

Saturday is the official ending of the program for those who came a week. I can’t believe that I only have less than 2 days left here. I am having such a great time and I really want to stay for another week and really let my body heal, but I can’t. I am speaking at University of Dreams in San Francisco next week and I leave for NYC the following week, so I need to get home.

I turned on my computer and I got sick to my stomach. I then thought to myself, “Why is this happening and what do I need to change so this feeling won’t happen.” Of course my body gave me my answer and now it is my job to honor its request. I only have one body and I need to keep it healthy and strong for the next 40 years.

Funny how we forget we only have one body. And this week I am learning how to love and respect it.

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