Charming Sophisticates: 08: Joel Robare

Joel Robare


San Francisco, California

Interior Designer, Founder of JR Studio

Marital Status:
Devoted to my partner of 12 years – maybe that will change.

1. Where do you like to flirt?

Preferably over a glass of wine in a dark restaurant.

2. What are your favorite places to eat and drink?

NOPA, Myth and Pres a Vi.

3. Where should we stay when we visit?

St. Regis for high style, The Red Victorian for a real San Francisco adventure.

4. What qualities do you find irresistible in a woman?

In women – no fear, sparkling personality and plenty of genuine fire.

5. Where can we find you on a free Sunday afternoon?

Writing my blog at Ritual coffee shop in the Mission, walking my dog (& my man) through Golden Gate Park, lounging poolside somewhere in the wine country.

6. What do you love most about your hometown (besides our arrival)?

SF is just one huge neighborhood with tons of personality. If the weather was the same as SoCal, SF would be the hottest thing in the USA. Thank god it’s not!

7. What should we bring when we visit? What should we leave with?

Bring clothing to layer (life changes at 4:00 pm here,) Leave with local art and quirky vintage finds. Check out X21 in the mission and Open Studios in the Fall.

8. What do we absolutely have to see while we’re there?

The view from the top of Buena Vista park – no one goes but everyone should.

9. Any areas of town we should avoid?

Don’t go anywhere they sell on a t-shirt. You will only see tourists and smelly sea lions.

Get a bike, get a scooter, get a car, get whatever you can and explore every inch of the place like the locals do.

10. Any local secrets you want to share?

Start your day early. Even the foggiest days have bright mornings when the sun is still low in the sky.

Embrace the fog – it’s part of the experience.

The Bi-Rite ice cream shop is a MUST – it’s the chic-est thing going on a Sunday in the city.

Cruise through City Hall when gay marriage takes a hold in the middle of June. There will be 1000’s of smiling faces ready to share the love. The excitement will be contagious. Only in SF…

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