8.0 TERREMOTO en Peru!

An 8.0 earthquke has struck the south coast of Peru Wednesday night. For those of you who know my connection with Peru and VIDA, you will be thinking “what can I do to help”. VIDA is working quickly with the US Government, Peruvian government and Americares to air drop medical relief supplies into Pisco, 90 miles south of Lima.

As the death toll mounts, the injured is threefold, and both hospitals in Pisco were destroyed. The images you see on UNIVISION are heartbreaking. VIDA – based in Emeryville is taking donations of medcal supplies, medical equipment, blankets, sheets and tents. NO clothes. Materials will go directly to stricken areas where doctors/nurses are setting up makeshift emergency rooms.

Financial support is needed to transport the 40′ containers. VIDA is accepting checks and online donations. Any amount will help. I have been volunteering with VIDA for 12 years with many wonderful trips to Peru. The people need your help now. $25 as a gift is invalueable.

VIDA is a non-profit organization that provides a dual service to both Latin America and the San Francisco Bay Area by collecting surplus medical supplies and equipment from Bay Area health institutions, diverting them from environment-polluting landfills and shipping them to Latin American hospitals and clinics that rely on such donations for the provision of basic health care.

VIDA delivers swift relief to victims of natural disasters, facilitates medical training and assistance and creates projects that improve health standards in impoverished communities in Latin America.


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  1. In response to the August 15, 8.0 earthquake which rocked Pisco, Peru.
    Volunteers for Inter-American Development Assistance (VIDA) has delivered
    substantial emergency relief to the victims of this overwhelming natural
    disaster. Our first airlift carrier which arrived to Pisco 2 weeks ago was
    delivered to the most affected settlements and villages of the region.

    Our shipments included medicines, beds, gloves, blankets and medical
    equipment. A 40-foot container is leaving soon from our VIDA-Miami
    warehouse. We are also preparing a similar container to be sent from our
    warehouse headquarters in Emeryville, CA. A benefit concert to help pay for
    shipping costs is being organized by the VIDA board.

    VIDA is able to continue serving disadvantaged communities and thrives
    against all odds, such as stringent custom fees and increasing shipment
    costs, because we can rely on the continual support from our volunteers and
    donors such as you. While being an unfailing advocate of developmental
    assistance projects, you have also displayed support for the diversion of
    tons of medical equipment and supplies from our landfills to reuse and

    Donations of Medical supplies, medicines and tents are being accepted at the
    warehouse in Emeryville. No clothing please. Financial support is needed to
    transport the containers. VIDA is accepting online donations at

    Thank you once again for your wonderful vote of confidence in our work and
    for your ongoing support.

  2. You can provide continued support for the victims of the earthquake, VIDA is aupporting the building of a hospital in Pisco. Attend the Gala or give what feels right.

    Please accept this personal invitation to experience a slice of high society in Lima while supporting a much need medical relief program. Each year VIDA hosts the Black & White Gala at a prominent location with 600+ guests. A one of kind event with a silent auction, elegant dinner and dancing. Meet and mingle with Lima’s finest. View and bid on fine art donated by Peru’s most famous living artists. Monday, April 7th at 7:00pm in Central Lima Tickets $100 per person donation Formal Attire Contact me for more details and rsvp VIDA http://www.vidausa.org for more about this non-profit serving Latin America

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