Airline Rules, Fashion, My Birthday Fallout

Lots to discuss today! First, know that the latest travel restriction information can now be found in Diva Says.
Secondly, fashion! Oh fashionistas, ‘Tis the season to be chic! SF Fashion Week has closed, and now we move to NYC’s Fashion Week from September 8-15, with its spring ’07 Ready-to-Wear collections. Who wouldn’t be ready to wear hot designers like Vivienne and Diane, Thom and Ralph, and some favorite Project Runway designers?
And speaking of Europe, here’s the crazy news: I seem to have been struck down with an ear infection and I don’t think I’ll be able to fly this weekend, so my Transylvanian dreams might be shattered! Of course I’ll meet the girls in Italy the following week, but I may have to sever this ghoulish leg from my itinerary. Don’t you just hate that?
Things I’ve learned as I’ve lurched through my birthday month is never to plan five back to back parties for yourself. I am not 22 anymore, you know, and I must throw in le towel! Oh, I overdid it. I partied too much, and on top of the extreme festivities was an extreme loss in my life, so I found myself jetting home to San Antonio to wish a dear friend a final farewell.
Then from death I had to spring back to life and continue the frenetic birthday party pace. It was insane! And now I’m paying the price for my elations and devestations. You can read more about my birthday mishaps here.
So older, wiser, and definitely sicker, I face September with a little prayer in my heart: oh life, relax and settle down. Find equilibrium and allow me my jaunt to Rome and Amalfi, then another petite passage to Tulsa for Rosh Hashanah, and finally, an unvoracious voyage back to Texas to check in on my friend whose mother passed on. You can read more about this formidably fabulous woman in this blog, my Ode to an Ailing Friend.
Life, death. Birth, celebration. With visions of Transylvanian-born immortality now on hold, a show I recently watched about the cosmos helped put things into perspective. Even stars are mortal. Stars die, and worlds die. And even the Universe doesn’t live forever. It’s not about whether the end will come, it’s about how you go out: let us all be supernovas.
…and speaking of death, anyone confused about Apple Sony battery recalls, you know, the ones that can spontaneously combust or something? Check out this link for help: