Oh SoHo Sex and the City

Tango Diva Teresa R Williamson Social Diva
Tango Diva Teresa R Williamson Social Diva

Tango Diva Teresa R Williamson Social DivaWhat a whirlwind trip to New York! My book FLY SOLO is starting to feel “real” and my time in the city that never sleeps solidified my confidence. One of my favorite afternoons was spent with Peg from Social Diva. She is a member of the SoHo House and we enjoyed a fabulous lunch on the rooftop during a sunny, warm New York afternoon. One of my favorite Sex and the City episodes was when Samantha snuck into the SoHo House and then found someone’s membership card and used it with the girls on the rooftop. She then fakes a British accent and gets kicked out.

I have to admit, the lunch was a bit meager for the outrageous prices, but it was well worth the view and the adrenaline rush of sitting amongst New York and London’s finest. Unfortunately you can’t take pictures on the rooftop – too many famous people they proclaim – so the only picture I have to share is one outside of the SoHo House.   

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