Fitness Ridge, A More Compassionate Booty-Kicking Camp, Part II :: Ivins, Utah

Part TwoFlash forward one week later. We were both healthier, leaner, and, this is BIG, so much more relaxed and downright happy. Not one complaint had passed Sis’s lips for seven whole days, which has got to be an all time record! Fitness Ridge provides an intimate, structured environment, (though privacy is never an issue…

How Do I Love Thee? Let Me Count The Ways: Hotel Valley Ho, Scottsdale

How Do I Love Thee? Let Me Count The Ways: Hotel Valley Ho, Scottsdale

There is a time and place for everything. I recently returned from a week’s stay at a challenging “boot-camp” where I hiked, swam, and worked out non-stop, surviving on only 1200 calories a day (no coffee or wine) and was surprised at how much I enjoyed it. But it’s certainly not for whusses, gourmands, or…

Fantastic Foodie Gift for the Holidays::Catch a Piece of Maine (or maybe even catch a good Lobsterman!)

This just came across my desk and I thought it would make a perfect present for that special foodie in your life. Catch a Piece of Maine is a brand new venture- not only extremely tasty but most worthwhile. “For your membership where you can own a lobstertrap fished by a real maine lobsterman and…

Of Dadas and Divas!

Divas, I’m home! Back from 3 weeks in Tanzania, Zanzibar and Dubai. Wow! First of all, let me say that if you haven’t been to the Burj Al Arab, you haven’t been to Dubai. The world’s only 7-star hotel did not disappoint. And what a relief after camping out in the bush with lions! My…