Cool Computer Bags

Surfing the web, found these really cool computer bags from the aptly named : The direct link to these beauties btw is:

Design Your Own Shoes !

Have you checked out the amazing John Fluevog shoe store on Haight Street? Really creative, well made shoes & boots with comfort and style. Even the heels are comfortable. Really. And wait, there’s more……. you can design your own shoes. From the Fluevog site: “IS YOUR IMAGINATION ahead of the whole shoe industry and you’re…

Morocco: Another World

Morocco: Another World

Women traveling alone. No big deal. Unless you’re in Morocco. I was living in Portugal at the time and passed an American Express office advertising 8-day tours of Morocco for only $500. Thank Allah. Disclaimer: I know this post will sound like a giant one-star Yelp review. Morocco is a fantastic, highly recommended destination. Don’t…