Magical Mystery Travel
Tired of the same old vacation plans?
Shake things up with a Mystery Trip. For real! Seriously, when was the last time you went somewhere purely to feed your soul? You know, get in touch with yourself and put into practice what is important to you.
Red Balloon knows how to keep a secret. Let them surprise you. Fill out a simple form with your preferences such as hate beaches, love skiing, hate red eye flights, love to dance. You won’t know where you are going until you’ve packed and opened your itinerary envelope.
So you’re the impulsive type, no advanced planning needed. Take yourself on over to Sky Scanner, and under the destination option, choose “everywhere”. Up pops your options, including best travel days and deals.
There are several Luxury Travel auction sites offering four-star lodging and exotic destinations. How about the Luxury Link
spa weekend in Abu Dhabi for $600?
Dunhill Travel Deals
Online Vacation Center
Enrichment Journeys
Expedia Cruise Ship Centers
Maybe not your home, but pack a suit for Munich airport’s indoor surfing experience. Not for you? The Pittsburg airport offers deer hunting! Not sure how you will get past security with a bow and arrow, but that’s the weapon of choice for hunting deer on airport-owned land, technically not the airport proper.
What are you waiting for?
Adventure Awaits.
Thanks for the mention, TangoDiva! We at Dunhill Travel Deals publish a weekly free e-newsletter of great travel deals and ideas. You can sign up here, and there’s no obligation. It’s fun to dream! Love your site. Keep it up!
thank you!
Thank you David. Always looking for creative travel ideas.
I have been thinking of trying the Red Balloon for the adventure and spontaneity they offer, but my friend is not up for it. Maybe next year.. I will try it by myself. ;)
Sofia, nothing like today to make those rez. Report back, would love to hear about your experience.