Wellness: Amy Manson, Professional Athlete and Spokesperson: How to Reach Your Goals in 6 Steps

We all have goals. Some of us want to write the next American classic novel, other Divas want to travel the world or start a business. No matter what your goal is, you need a road map to reach it. That is the difference between dreams and goals. Dreams are just that – dreams without actions or completion, while goals have substance, reason and hopefully a due date.
Tango Diva met with Amy Mason, an incredibly inspiring mother of two who took her dreams and transformed them into goals. Through her success she has been able to teach hundreds around the country how to move from fantasy to reality in 6 thought-out steps. Her program, GET GOALED, was created to empower school children by uncovering their dreams, desires and goals and teaching them some simple tasks, so they can reach their goals at a young age. Amy shares, “When you start reaching goals at a young age, it sets you up for success for the rest of your life.”
Amy Manson started her athletic career at the young age of 8 years old. She went on to become an All-American at Indiana University and then ran for professionally and traveled the world on various US Teams. She met her husband, Pat, a top US pole vaulter, on the track at the US Championships in Eugene, Oregon. Now they live in Boulder, Colorado with 2 very active kids. Currently she is the West Coast Head Trainer for MBT Footwear.
Tango Diva: How did you come up with the idea of GET GOALED?
Amy: “I was so overwhelmed with gratitude toward my career in running and making my life such an incredible adventure: the college scholarship, the world travel, the friends, the free gear and most importantly, all the intrinsic rewards of confidence, inner-strength and fulfillment.
I felt called to help others identify their own passions and to help them to apply those passions to an organized and well-thought out plan so they too could experience all of the wonderful rewards of pursuing/accomplishing a goal.
I figure life can be an amazing adventure if you fill it up with goals that incorporate your various passions, gifts, talents, etc.. Planning a goal is much like planning a trip. You choose where you want to go, you make a plan to get yourself from where you are now to the place you have chosen, you prepare and equip yourself for the trip and when the plan is all set- you’re on your way.
If we can do this for a trip, we can do this for our lives as well. Let’s not wait and see where the wind blows us in life, let’s pick out some goal destinations and make sure they are included in our journey. This is where life gets fun and meaningful.”
Tango Diva: Can you show us how we make a road map to our goals?
“Step 1: Choosing your goal. Make sure that your goal is
- Positive, Realistic & Specific.
- The more specific the more you can identify how to get there.
Goal Example: Go Someplace fun vs. Costa Rica – the 2nd option is more specific, therefore we know how to start planning.
Goal Example: To be a good runner vs. to finish a 10k. The 2nd option is easier to plan for where the 1st is too vague.
Step 2: Plan out the stepping-stones between where you are at and where you want to end up
- People can get overwhelmed or discouraged on their way to a big goal.
- Stepping stones allow checkpoints for progress and motivation to go on.
- Each step you accomplish lets you know you have improved/achieved and that you are progressing in the right direction.
Step 3: Reward yourself for each stepping stone
- Make sure to reward yourself for each step you accomplish. Each step you accomplish means that your effort has resulted in progress.
- Important to reward progress along the way, not just in the end result.
Example: Many times I would plan a fun, yummy lunch with friends right after my long run or hard workout at the end of the week.
Step 4: Figure out what commitment, sacrifices, and good choices that are going to get you towards your goal
This is a difference between a DREAM and a GOAL. If you have a GOAL, you will go out and get that goal. You have to figure out what the challenges are that you are going to have to overcome to achieve this goal.
- Sacrifices, things you are going to have to GIVE UP in favor of this goal.
- The commitments you are going to have to make in favor if this goal.
- The everyday choices you are going to have to make in favor of this goal.
All the little choices you make during your day can really affect your goal. For example, if I have a big run the next day and my friends ask me out to dinner, I know that the focus is on my run and I need to stay home, hydrate and eat well – not go out with my friends and stay out too late eating and drinking.
Step 5: Motivation, Inspiration and Support
- You really have to be mindful what you surround yourself with.
- Put things around you that are motivational and inspirational. Put up inspiring quotes and images that help you to stay focused.
- Focus on the people you have around your life. It is time to get rid of the toxic people that are not supporting your goal. Surround yourself with encouraging people. Have great role models and mentors who support you and keep your goal present.
- Write down your goal and keep track of it so you are reminded daily of you achievements.
For example, many profession athletes use their goal time (winning running time) as their passwords, so they are reminded all the time of what their goal is. It is a great way to keep their goal present in their daily life.
Step 6: After you write this all down and have looked it over, than ask yourself, “Is achieving this goal worth all the work?”
If so, then you need to write out a Contract of Perseverance. This is a contract between you and your goal. Clearly state what your goal is and when you plan on reaching it. Ideally, you will have 2-3 others sign the contact as witnesses. These friends need to be encouraging and supportive.
Then put your Contract of Perseverance somewhere prominent in your house where you will see it every day. It will be a daily reminder what you want to achieve.”
Tango Diva: You have had an incredible 30-year career, any recommendation on how us Divas can get healthy and keep in shape?
Amy: “My biggest commitment has always been to keep my body healthy. This was true back when I was running 80-100 miles a week and is still true today. I eat well, water is my “drink of choice” and sleep has always been a huge priority. When it comes to my structure, I’m all about prevention. For this I wear MBT Footwear. I’ve learned the three things that break down your feet, knees, hips and back are: repeated shock, weak stability/core muscles and poor circulation. I was able to get through 30 years of competing without a cortizone shot or surgery by taking care of these three things. I was suffering from a long bout of plantar faciitis and sciatica when I noticed some friends on the track circuit wearing MBT for various injuries. I got a pair and after two months of wearing them as a lifestyle shoe, was rid of any foot or back pain. I was so impressed with the physical therapy-like benefits of the shoe that I took a job with the company almost four years ago. I would highly recommend them as a lifestyle or walking shoe to take you on your travels or just wear around town. It’s one of those smart choices I spoke about.”
To learn more about Amy, CLICK HERE
To learn more about MBT shoes, CLICK HERE
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