Calling all writers: find inspiration in the beautiful Italian countryside!

Calling all writers: find inspiration in the beautiful Italian countryside!

Nothing is more frustrating than writers block, so we’re offering up a little encouragement. For all you writing divas out there, we found a new workshop where participants can explore Italy while sharpening their writing skills in villages where great America writers found inspiration. Taking place from May 27 until June 2, 2012, The Heart…

Explore the natural wonders of Central America’s jungles in this Costa Rica tour!

Explore the natural wonders of Central America’s jungles in this Costa Rica tour!

I don’t know about all you divas, but I have a long list of destinations I simply have to visit someday. Fairly close to the top is South and Central America. If any of you have the same dreams as me, then the critically acclaimed company Tara Tours, Inc. may have the perfect getaway for…