Give Back: Send a holiday cake to a friend and one of our troops with Bake Me A Wish!

The holidays are difficult for military members serving overseas away from friends, family and the comforts of home. Bake Me A Wish! has partnered with Soldier’s Angels, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping the families of our troops, in order to offer a delicious treat: the chocolate mint “Freedom Cake”. When you purchase one of these gourmet cakes for a friend or family member, Bake Me A Wish! will also send one overseas to a soldier, donated in the name of your recipient. The cake you send to a friend or family member will be accompanied by a card letting them know that a cake has also been sent to a soldier in their name.

The “Freedom Cake” is layered with chococate mint brownie and covered with fudge frosting, mint chips and chocolate shavings. The price for the two cakes is $75 and includes shipping. Also, 5% of proceeds go to support Operation Birthday Cake, which sends birthday cakes to soldiers stationed around the world.

To purchase your “Freedom Cake” head to  To learn more about Soldier’s Angels visit

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