Another solo traveler connects with Tango Diva – In Sevilla!
From our newest Diva traveling for a year solo!
My name is Christy. I was born and raised in Southern California and have lived in the San Fransisco for the last 10 years. Last year I quit my job (online media/advertising, etc), rented my flat out for a year, put all my things in storage and went to Europe and Thailand for 4 months. I had never traveled alone (unless you count a spa week), and with the exception of a work trip in Germany, which I don’t really count, I had never been to Europe.
After four months, I came back to San Francisco, consulted in Marketing and PR for six months, and I am now back on the road until my flat becomes vacant again. Oh, I sold my car too. So I am now officially home-free, job-free, boy-free and car-free. I left the states June 1st with no plans, just a plane ticket to London. Since then I have been traveling around Spain.
Today, I spent the day in Sevilla, touring the Cathedral and Alcazar. In the Alcazar, couple asked me to take their photo and it turned out they had been traveling for the last few months in Spain and are also from San Francisco. Cheryl told me about your web site and that it was founded by a couple gals from San Francisco. I’ve been to some “women’s travel sites” and have not had much luck, but she raved about your site and said she had just spent some time with Stephanie in Valencia.
I just got back to my hotel and the first thing I did (after a nice long shower – it’s 105 here today!) was to look up your site. I can’t wait to spend more time on it and I really wish I knew about it earlier as I’m sure it would have made my life a whole lot easier. It’s funny, all my friends keep telling me to write a travel book or build a site for single women after all the experiences I’ve had in the last year. It looks like your site could be the thing we’ve been looking for.
Anyway, I just wanted to share how funny it was that it took coming to Sevilla to find out about this wonderful resource when it’s been right in my backyard, and I look forward to spending more time on your site. Who knows, maybe I’ll meet some of you on the road or when I’m back in the city.
Up next: Tomorrow I leave Sevilla for Lisbon and from there will be going on a nine day trip to swim with dolphins in the open ocean Dolphin Connection and then a quick trip to London to change my bags for a trip down to Arusha, Tanzania for three weeks to volunteer with Cross Cultural Solutions. After that, I have no plans, but maybe I’ll find some on your site!
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