He will Blow Yer Mind!!!!!
Hi all…This is my very first blog as your Dining Diva and can you believe it’s not even about food?
I just saw a show that was totally mind-blowing and I want ed to tell you about it before it leaves town. It’s Marc Salem’s fabulous, spine-tingling, Duh-duh-duh-duh Twilight Zone humming, one-man show called Mind Games. It’s playing at San Francisco’s Post Street Theater through November 19, so don’t wait to get tickets, cuz the guy is simply amazing!
Salem (no connection to the Salem witch trials) is a rotund, professorial type, who actually holds two doctorates and has taught college, the FBI and other law enforcement agencies his techniques of non-verbal communication.He insists that he doesn’t deal in the occult or supernatural—rather he is just hypersensitive and very intuitive. (I can’t wait for the Mind Games book to come out next year, so I can tell when my boyfriend is lying to me.)
Ok- all that’s cool, but how the heck can he be blindfolded and call out 10 audience members by name and tell them where their last trip was. He even would add amusing little tips such as, “Marcia, might I suggest that next time you and your husband go on a romantic trip to Rio you leave your sister home”. (All true, gasp-gasp)
Or he would tape and blindfold his eyes, then have two volunteers (one sat next to me and I can promise you that No-Way was she a plant) collect personal artifacts from the audience and bring them up to him. He would quietly hold his hand two inches over the object “feeling the vibrations” and identify not only the item, but correctly name the owner and even offer suggestions such as “Susie, I really think you should stop using pink lip-gloss and try a deeper burgundy shade.”
He’d go on to correctly guess serial numbers on a dollar bill, make a subject’s watch go backwards an hour just by a wave of his hand, stop and start his pulse at will. One of his most amusing bits was called “”Five Liars” and I was selected as one of the “volunteers”. To tell you more would ruin it, but if you can figure out how he does it-puhleeze get back to me. I give Mind Games 4 forks up!
P.s. My dinner pick for after the show is Scala’s Bistro, for their yummy "black and blue" pizza. Extra credit points: their gorgeous new chef is as delicious as the food!
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