Visionaries: Alexander the Great

by Hanna Johnson

Lisa C. Alexander is the Founder and CEO of LAFACE LABORATORIES INC. From a fifth generation agricultural family long engrained in the history of California, Ms. Alexander is an expert in green design, organic products, sustainable businesses and day-to-day green living. As a life long entrepreneur, she has an unwavering commitment to living a balanced and beautiful life. From high-end couture to the a line of babies’ clothing, she keeps reinventing herself. Lisa has now created a line of organic skincare: LAFACE LABORATORIES INC. LAFACE is committed to offering the most revolutionary, sophisticated and cutting edge, organic and natural skincare products to the world. We are delighted that Lisa took a few moments to share her life with us. Lisa has been a Tango Diva member since 2006.

1. What was the best decision you made in your life?

Coming from a marvelous yet extremely conservative family, taking the traditional
route was always encouraged. For reasons unknown even to myself, I found
that forging my own path was the way I had to do things. I believe in
taking chances. With enough experience, one finds these “chances” evolve into
experiences of knowledge that prepare you for the next step. Yes, we make
mistakes, but it is how one handles them that reveals your true character.
So it has never been a singular decision that influenced my life, but rather
a perpetual determination to make it on my own terms.

2. What are your most memorable travel moments?
The more you travel, the more you become aware of how many places you have
not yet been. I have lived in Switzerland, London, New York, Texas, and San
Francisco, but there are some trips that have provided unforgettable
memories to me.
Being driven in a car in the middle of the rainforest in India and
thinking….”No one knows where I am.” Ballooning over the Swiss Alps and
going off track and being literally dumped in an apricot orchard. Climbing
Mt. Kilimanjaro’s, Western Bridge (which is now closed) with my best friend.
Summertime in Venice, taking a gondola from Ciprianis’ to Harrys’ Bar. Lake
Como Villa d’Este. Monte Carlo Spa Thermes Marins, Scuba diving in
Thailand……… Lake Maggiore with my mother. These experiences hold a
special place in my heart. ….

3. What was the worst travel experience you had?

I was modeling in Italy when I was rather young. I took a trip to Elba
before my contract started and stayed with some friends. I had all my
traveler’s checks and cash stolen from my bag at a tennis club and had to
get off the island. I had a nun take me to the heli pad and got back to the
mainland without any money. I think the pilot felt sorry for me. I was very young
and trusting and I believe had a guardian angel watching over me.

4. What have you learned about yourself through traveling?

I think the key to getting the most out of travel is to always have an open
mind and to be respectful and non-judgmental toward the culture in which you
find yourself. I have an insatiable curiosity. Perhaps it was being raised
on a ranch that made me wonder about the rest of the world and fueled my
desire to travel and live in different places. Whatever the reason, I am
thankful for it.

5. If you could choose your ultimate travel companion, living or dead, real
or imaginary, who would it be?

I suppose it would be the love of my life….. however I believe we have yet to be introduced. So I honestly have to say my mother, Catherine Alexander. She
was always so enthusiastic and fun and embraced whatever adventure we were
embarking on with a beautiful smile. I will never forget picking her up at the airport in Geneva when she was 75-years-old, and bringing her straight for an 18 kilometer walk through the wine hills of Switzerland. We stopped every hour or so and had a half carafe of the wineries pride and a bit of their handmade cheese. Needlessto say, it was a marvelously crooked walk back to Lausanne. One of my truly favorite memories.

6. What moment in your life did you feel the most alive?

I spent 6 weeks in a Spa retreat in Kerala that was affiliated with the
oldest Ayurveda hospital in India. This extreme approach to a healthful
lifestyle was extremely influential to me. This also was one of my inspirations to start LAFACE.

7. If money and time were no object, where on earth would you go?

I find the hardest thing to come by is time, so if I were to indulge I would
want it to satisfy many voids. I would like to go to an intense health spa/retreat in India or South America for 6 weeks alone, then onto Monte Carlo Spa Thermes Marins for pampering for a week or so, then a tour of the lakes I love….Lake Como,Lake Maggiore, then to Cliveden House in the Berkshires where I would haveit filled with friends and family until people had to go home.

8. Why did you start LaFace?

I’ve used every single product available on the market. I couldn’t find
anything that worked. I don’t believe in using synthetic ingredients, but
there wasn’t anything in the world of organic, natural products that was
sophisticated enough. After much research I realized that most companies use
false claims to entice people to buy their brand. To me this was
unacceptable. This void of integrity and honesty in the market was the
driving force in creating LAFACE skincare. Our scientific team, backed by 47
years of experience, is dedicated to producing unparalleled quality in the
natural and organic skincare arena. We are constantly pushing the envelope.

9. And finally a word from our Featured Diva, you in your own words- give us
a stirring, Diva-worthy battle cry for women everywhere to hear!

If you shoot enough arrows into the sky, you are bound to hit something.
Also, believe in yourself and expect nothing; it’s your hard work, and that
alone, that will take you where you need to go.

Visit LAFACE skincare here

Tango Diva members: You can get a 20% discount with the code “tangodiva” for the month of Dec 2011 on LAFACE online orders!

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