Day Three: Body Work

I can’t remember the last time I moved so much in my life. It’s great! I woke up and did the 5 mile hike at 6:15 am, (yes, I made it this morning!) next breakfast, next samba class, next circuit training, next sit by the pool, next walk the Labyrinth, next Mexican folk dancing, next Feldenkrais, and to top it all off I had the best massage of my life.

Walking the labyrinth was a pretty amazing moment. It’s a beautiful maze, outside, under a grove of old, wise oak trees. Me and three other women silently walked and meditated about the wisdom that shined on us at that moment. For me, it was my book and how I need to get over my fear of failure and embrace the process. It’s a job, and one that I’m good at. I must keep focused on my daily tasks and not get overwhelmed by the project as a whole. Also I learned that I don’t trust myself and that I need to. I have deep wisdom and abundant abilities. I can’t let my past, my childhood, or my failures keep me from accomplishing what I was put on this earth to do. I believe I was put here to help women find their inner strength and to venture out into the world with confidence. There’s so much to that, and the benefits of traveling alone are endless. For me, I use travel as the metaphor for change.

When you come to The Ranch, you have to get a Healing Massage. It is the most amazing 90 minutes of my life. My therapist, Elva, found tight muscles from years ago and relaxed them. It was exactly what my tight, overworked, stressed out body needed. After my massage, I relaxed in the steam room, then spent sometime in the private, outdoor hot tub where I walked around naked and took a shower under the stars.

Did I mention that I’m not stressed out at all anymore? I wish that I could feel this way all the time! And think, I’ve only been here three days!

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