Nautilus® T618 Treadmill
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Getting Fit for Travel and Life: Nautilus T618 Treadmill Review

The Quest for Fitness Everyone these days is talking about how many steps they got. Checking our fitness trackers and steps, and striving to meet our wellness goals, has many of us obsessed with our stats – and our health, which is a very good thing. Fitness trackers, like exercise groups and other friendly competitive fitness…

chill, body language, lobby, relax,
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Feel Better in Two Minutes

SCIENCE SAYS: Fake it until you become it. Do you want to look and feel confident? How about powerful, happy or smart? Harvard professor and psychologist Amy Cuddy’s research concluded that anyone can change feelings and perceptions with two minutes of faking the appropriate body language. The surprising results of a two minute fake actually…


Mt. Everest: The Girlfriend Getaway of a Lifetime! Fall Special

Have you ever dreamed of trekking to the famous Mt. Everest Basecamp? Better yet, dreamed of doing it with your sister, mother, best friend, or partner? Or are you traveling by yourself, and looking for a group of like-minded women to join? No matter which way you start, you will soon feel like you’re traveling…