GIVE HER: Curly Girl Designs!

GIVE HER: Curly Girl Designs!

Curly Girl Designs will Capture your Heart this Holiday Season   Creatively Fresh and Funky themes guaranteed to inspire and delight…are core to the Curly Girl gift line. Curly Girl Creator, Leigh Standley’s whimsical artwork graces eco-friendly greeting cards, writing journals, wall decor, t-shirts, and more.  You will absolutely crave one of everything! And, don’t miss the perfect diva…

SF: Yippee, it’s almost time for the Table Hop and Taste

SF: Yippee, it’s almost time for the Table Hop and Taste

Courtesy of DIFFA San Francisco’s freezing summer is finally finished which means it’s almost time for the Table Hop and Taste, one of my fave charitable events of the year. For the last decade DINING BY DESIGN, presented by DIFFA: Design Industries Foundation Fighting AIDS, has produced this top-notch charitable event for uninsured HIV/AIDS patients,…

Perfect Travel Bag

Perfect Travel Bag

I found this beauty case on ideeli, my current go-to designer sale site. In fact, before I continue, please go there and check them out. I’ve become Super Auntie Lynn to my friend’s children because of my designer baby fashion finds. Sleep sacks for $12, adorable dresses for $15. There are lots of fashion &…

5 Summer must-haves from Shecky’s Girls Nite Out!

5 Summer must-haves from Shecky’s Girls Nite Out!

Summer is upon us, and with sun comes all new fashion and beauty finds! We explored Shecky’s Girls Night Out in San Francisco for fabulous products to fit a Diva’s lifestyle.   BellaSole Shoes Shoes If you’re anything like me, you avoid heels on nights out because the dance floor is calling your name. Luckily,…