Recreating Eden – Coffee Estate Inn, Boquete Panama

Recreating Eden – Coffee Estate Inn, Boquete Panama

  Boquete, Panama has become one of those “it” places that expats have been flocking to relocate to in recent decades. Fortunately, it is still under the radar of places such as Costa Rica and Cuenca, Ecuador; and still retains an authenticity, a low-key vibe, that keep it from simply being gringo-land in Central America….

The Perfect Cup of Coffee in London

The Perfect Cup of Coffee in London

Bloomsbury Coffee House is everything a coffee house should be. In the time of generic chains deeply lacking in personality, this creaky-floored, white-walled, basement coffee house is filled  with character and excellent coffee. Perhaps the best I’ve ever tasted. Bloomsbury opened in London on October, 2011, and has since gained a loyal neighborhood following. Owners…

Part Two: The Birth of Tourism in El Salvador
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Part Two: The Birth of Tourism in El Salvador

by Allison Neves Continuing where Part One left off: When we arrived in San Salvador in May of 2007, the changes and improvements made since my last visit in 1995 were readily apparent. The city had a completely different feel, a different energy. On our drive from the airport to my aunt’s house, we saw…