SF: Special event with Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Jane Wales

SF: Special event with Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Jane Wales

Born in Somalia, raised Muslim, Ayaan Hirsi Ali fled to the Netherlands in 1992 to escape a forced marriage to an elderly cousin in Canada she had never met. She learned Dutch, earned her college degree in political science, and worked for the Dutch Labor party, serving as a parliamentarian. She denounced Islam after the…



I’m used to being called a princess, but i never knew i could use my powers for good. No matter where you live you can send your dry-cleaned dresses to The Princess Project and provide prom dresses to disadvantaged teens in California. San Francisco: Last year they served over 1,800 high school girls. Girls from…

Monterey County: An adventurer’s dream

Monterey County: An adventurer’s dream

Monterey County: An adventurer’s dream, a photographer’s fantasy, a place of unbridled beauty No matter what your travel style, Monterey County is sure to please. Deemed one of the most breathtaking areas in the world, this coastal gem will undoubtedly leave travelers in a state of speechless awe at the wonder of natural beauty that…

Equestrians: Ride with ’08 Olympic Silver Medalist Gina Mile in Paso Robles at Hotel Cheval!

Equestrians: Ride with ’08 Olympic Silver Medalist Gina Mile in Paso Robles at Hotel Cheval!

Horseback riding divas – this is your once in a lifetime opportunity to ride with an Olympian! Next month! Hotel Cheval located in the Central Coast of California is offering a unique package with riders in mind: the “Olympic Equestrian Experience.” This unparalleled offer, for both novice and experienced equestrian travelers, features the opportunity for…