Fitness Ridge (Movara), A More Compassionate Booty-Kicking Camp, Part II :: Ivins, Utah

Fitness Ridge (Movara), A More Compassionate Booty-Kicking Camp, Part II :: Ivins, Utah

Part TwoFlash forward one week later. We were both healthier, leaner, and, this is BIG, so much more relaxed and downright happy. Not one complaint had passed Sis’s lips for seven whole days, which has got to be an all time record! An intimate, structured environment, (though privacy is never an issue since there are…

Wellness: New Zealand: Cave Trekking by the Light of Bio-illuminescent Maggot Shit

Wellness: New Zealand: Cave Trekking by the Light of Bio-illuminescent Maggot Shit

by Alexa Trotta The thought of wading through murky waters surrounded by dark, slimy cave walls didn’t impress me at first. In fact most things that involve the word “slimy” don’t particularly excite me. So when Matt told me we were going cave spelunking in an underground dwelling of glowworms and who knows what else,…