Midweek Male Eye Candy: Tango Diva Does Male Fashion Week
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Midweek Male Eye Candy: Tango Diva Does Male Fashion Week

Happy hump day! Oooh la la, nothing like a lil male eye candy to get you through the week. From Milan to Berlin to Paris and now Barcelona male Fashion Week, in case you need a little a lil male eye candy pick-me-up, I suggest you direct your attention over to the Instagram account of @AttitudeModels or…

Just Another Manic Monday? Life Hacks for the Tango Diva Always On the Go
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Just Another Manic Monday? Life Hacks for the Tango Diva Always On the Go

Just another manic Monday, wish it was Sunday cos that’s my fun day no makeup day… While I was busy frolicking in the approximately 2.5 inches of Fallen Snow that covered Madrid last night– surely waking up all my neighbors with my squeals of delight at 1:00am – instead of working on improving my morning…

Reduce, Re-Use, Recycle: Lacoste Fashion Rewind
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Reduce, Re-Use, Recycle: Lacoste Fashion Rewind

When in doubt, gift vintage fashion. Bonus points if it’s travel related and there’s a fun story behind it! In my list of 7 Gift Ideas for the 7 Types of Travel Divas in Your Life, I should have made an honorable mention for the vintage fashion lover in your life… aka ME :) I…

Seven Gift Ideas for the Seven Travel Divas in Your Life
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Seven Gift Ideas for the Seven Travel Divas in Your Life

In the past, I’ve given you some insight about holiday gift ideas the “Indie” Travel Diva in your life, now with just seven days until Christmas, I present seven ideas for the other seven types of Travel Divas who may be in your life. For the Travel Diva who’s always on the go and likes…

The Female Voice of the World Cup: Tango Diva Christina Santos

The Female Voice of the World Cup: Tango Diva Christina Santos

Soccer, fútbol, fussball…whatever you prefer to call it, it’s finally arrived in full force! The World Cup is no longer a man’s world with great sources from a female perspective available for World Cup divas. So whether you’re a devoted fan or only tune in for the gorgeous fútbolistas, check out the coverage from Tango…

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JOE’s Jeans Jeggings – Love It or Leave It?

I’m a fan of making up my own words. I’m a fan of fashion. However, I’m  typically not a fan of fashion trends that require a new name and/or hybrid of existing words to describe them (case in point: jorts, skorts. I shudder.)  Now there is a new term to add to the jumbled jargon…