Activity Review: California, USA: Whalewatching—Flukes of Nature

Activity Review: California, USA: Whalewatching—Flukes of Nature

by Jennifer Anthony The Princess of Wales waits at the harbor early in the morning on an uncharacteristically warm March Saturday. After a week of rain and dreariness, it is 52 degrees, and sunny. A cerulean sky gazes down at the brigade of boats bobbing in the water. Chunky cumulus clouds bumble around the horizon,…

Wellness: Scuba Do: A Diva’s Guide to Diving

Wellness: Scuba Do: A Diva’s Guide to Diving

by Cheri Eplin Envision a world without television, cell phones, computers, or commuter lanes. Imagine floating almost effortlessly suspended, where your only neighbors are a sea otter, a bat ray, or a rockfish, and—hopefully—your diving partner. If you can picture that scene, then perhaps you can conceptualize the sport of scuba diving. Scuba diving might…

Activity Review: New Zealand: South Sea Mermaids

Activity Review: New Zealand: South Sea Mermaids

by Liz Sullivan, South Sea Mermaid Tours Ltd. South Sea Mermaid Tours are designed especially for women who want to travel with other women. Treat yourself to the magical experience of being led through New Zealand, one of the world’s most scenic countries, or join the Mermaids on an international tour! Read below for one…

Review: Activity Review: Arizona, USA: Major League Baseball Spring Training!

Review: Activity Review: Arizona, USA: Major League Baseball Spring Training!

Take me out to the ballgame. Make out with all the players…is that how the song goes? If I’m not playing your song, sister, then you just gotta tune into the whole spring training thing. It’s no joke. Let me ask you a couple of questions: do you like sunshine? Do you like men? Then…

Activity Review: NYC: “Sex and the City” Tours Ease Withdrawal

Activity Review: NYC: “Sex and the City” Tours Ease Withdrawal

by Alexa Trotta Feeling lonely at nine o’clock on a Sunday night? Perusing television channels in desperation, only to find “Cops” and reruns of “America’s Funniest Home Videos”? Get off that couch—and plan a trip to New York City, where you can toss your dusty sneakers out the window and strap on a pair of…