Nail It with Pop-Out Color DIY & Performance

Nail It with Pop-Out Color DIY & Performance

Beauty manufacturers understand that we are always seeking out solutions to elevate our personal best from head to toe. Gels have been a salon go-to for lasting nail care, color and a custom curated beauty statement. The monthly and sometimes weekly manicure/pedicure service is now as routine as waxing and other esthetic needs. But salon…

Time to BeGutzy®: “Getting the Good Stuff for Your Gut”
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Time to BeGutzy®: “Getting the Good Stuff for Your Gut”

The year of the pandemic has freed up time for many to reflect on health and happiness. We have learned to focus on what matters most. And, now understand that we are not invincible. Our overall wellbeing depends on our commitment to change and self-care.  This TLC is even more important as we age. Nourishing…

Happy Hour:  Polish & Pamper with Nature-Inspired Scrubs

Happy Hour: Polish & Pamper with Nature-Inspired Scrubs

A decade has passed since FarmHouse Fresh founder, Shannon McLinden, wowed the world with her uniquely crafted sea salt scrub trio. Making Oprah’s coveted O-list helped the company soar to new heights. FarmHouse Fresh brings beneficial nutrients from fruit, vegetables and milk to life through skincare. Core ingredients are harvested from the company’s home, an…