DRIVER X: film review

DRIVER X: film review

Inebriated millennial walks into an Uber. What’s the punch line? Well, you can’t make this stuff up, as one middle-aged house husband discovered when thrown into the Gig Economy. That was Henry Barrial, writer and director of DriverX, who found himself in need of cash and signed up to drive. Chauffering young techies around all…

SCIENCE FAIR: film review
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SCIENCE FAIR: film review

High-schooler Robbie programmed an old calculator to give out Shakespearian insults. Then he created used machine learning to analyze the music of Kanye West and create original rap lyrics. So why was he rejected by ten colleges? We’ll get to that. Science Fair, screened at the 2018 San Francisco Jewish Film Festival, goes inside the…

The Work, documentary, Folsom Prison, group therapy, film review,

THE WORK: film review

“I ain’t seen the sunshine since I don’t know when, I’m stuck in Folsom Prison, and time keeps draggin’ on”. Johnny Cash. This film isn’t about Johnny Cash, but it is about life in Folsom Prison. “The Work” is a real life documentary set inside a single room during a four-day group-therapy retreat. We follow…