Congratulations to our Birkenstock—Tango Diva Giveaway Winner!
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Congratulations to our Birkenstock—Tango Diva Giveaway Winner!

A BIG Congratulations goes out to Jennifer Bryce! Not only is she the winner of Tango Diva-Birkenstock “Madrid” sandal giveaway—she also has a brand new jazz album out available on iTunes and Jennifer’s winning entry: Roma! Last summer I walked around Rome during Ferie Agosto (August Holiday – the Italian equivalent of Labor Day…

Review: Discover a Destination On Your Own Terms With Moleskine City Guides

Review: Discover a Destination On Your Own Terms With Moleskine City Guides

by Christina Santos “For every traveler who has any taste of his own, the only useful guidebook will be the one which he himself has written” – Aldous Huxley Some people collect stamps. Or coins. Or figurines. I collect notebooks. My vast collection of notebooks, chronicalling my life and travels since I was a little…

Exclusive Access to Luxury, Nantucket Vacations
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Exclusive Access to Luxury, Nantucket Vacations is changing the way consumer’s shop once again with the launch of an exclusive travel Boutique featuring the White Elephant Hotel Residences.  Beginning June 16, 2009, Rue La La members will have a brief window of time to take advantage of exclusive packages from the White Elephant Hotel Residences, elegant, private one -two bedroom…

Ryanair: Continuing to Misinform Its Clients
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Ryanair: Continuing to Misinform Its Clients

Anyone who has ever flown with Ryanair in Europe is probably well aware of its disingenuous tactics. They make a big hullabaloo about their cheap, £1 fares… then charge exorbitant fees for taxes, luggage (WHO can get by with 15kg or less?!) and checking in. They claim to fly to Barcelona, but in actuality they…

Feather Headbands are all the rage
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Feather Headbands are all the rage

INT. BEDROOM – NIGHT A bedroom, decorated in mementos from world travel, in complete disarray. Clothes strewn about everywhere. A seemingly mad woman runs around the room trying on various clothes. She tries on a few dresses, grimaces in disgust, then throws each to the floor in despair. CHRISTINA: New Years Eve 2009 and I…

Ah, push it – DDpush it good
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Ah, push it – DDpush it good

Sign up for DDPush! DD Push (Designer Discount) is now offering the ability to shop “Hollywood Style” to the rest of the country by launching Members (free to join!) will have access to 24-48 hours of sales offering designer good at a deep discount prices ranging from 50-90% off from it’s retail price. Once…