Intimate Memoir Writing Workshop in Abruzzo, Italy with Kathryn Abajian
Do you dream of spending quality time in Italy? The food – the wine, the people, the romance? Imagine yourself on a reflective respite in the wild, mountainous region of Abruzzo, a nearly untouched region of southern Italy.
Join Kathryn Abajian and Helen Free in a pristine setting for the restorative, six day Heart of Memoir Writing Workshop held annually in June.
Daily, you’ll gather with up to nine other writers in an intellectual setting, an ancient Medici burgh, to engage in a personal, soul enriching experience as you write, read and reflect.
In the summer lit afternoons explore quintessential Santo Stefano di Sessanio and enjoy lively evening meals and wine together.
For more lovely details on the workshop, visit Italy in Other Words.