Celebrate Women/Girls! Beauty Queen Speaks! Scandal!

Happy belated International Women’s Day and Hinamatsuri, Girls’ Day in Japan! What is it about March, spring, rebirth, and women and girls?

International Women’s Day is on March 8, and Hinamatsuri is on the third day of the third month every year. It’s one of the things that made me fall in love with Japan when I was living there. Hina means doll (some of you may know that I am an avid doll collector), and suddenly, Tokyo was overflowing with exquisite doll displays. My favorites were at department stores like Takashimaya–level after level of courtly splendor as the emperor, empress and their minions, furniture, flowers and favorite symbolic fruit are displayed on a red carpet.

But be careful!! If you leave your Hinamatsuri displays out for too long, bad luck will come and you won’t get married!

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Beauty queen reveals real thoughts on Body Drama!!

This just in: have you checked out former Miss Virginia, Nancy Redd’s, book Body Drama: Real Girls, Real Issues, Real Answers? Brava to this brave Diva for debunking the beauty myth once and for all.

As you flip through the pages marveling at the photos of all the various women of various body types, surely you will love your own self more. That’s what Nancy hopes! She wants you to see yourself in the unique beauty of other women and realize that you are not alone. Why is this beauty queen so concerned about how we feel? After all, isn’t she the pinnacle of beauty herself? Redd reveals that she, too, though a swimsuit contest winner, felt the same insecurities that we all do. Seriously? Seriously!

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Baby gifts from Bubble! I loooove this store, and they just went national with a website, so you, too, can order your friends the most cool, hilarious and edgy clothes this side of baby land at GotBubble.com.

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Oops on Samantha Power!! What was she thinking calling Hillary a monster? This uber brilliant and eloquent woman showed a shocking unguarded side recently. I am surprised that this diplomacy wizz went off like that. Pity, because we needed more women at the top. What’s up with the self-sabotage? Or was she sacrificed for the greater political machine?


Adieu! I was in Egypt, Jordan and Israel last week and am now outbound for the Kentucky Derby tomorrow! I only had days to find my HAT and I hope that the good Derby dames approve. Don’t miss this historic race on May 3rd. Host a party and serve Mint Juleps!


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