Best New Healthy Products (and some interesting misc.) :: Part 4

1.Sukhi’s Lite’N Healthy Indian Food

Also quick and easy! I’ve long been a fan of Sukhi’s excellent line of Indian spices, sauces, marinades, breads, chutney’s and snack mixes, but Indian food is not necessarily the healthiest food in the world. So, although I was sad to hear that Sukhi’s husband had developed some health issues and had to lose weight, the good news is that his mother immediately rushed to the kitchen and began recreating his favorite dishes with less sodium, fat and calories. The results were so good that Sukhi is now offering them in a new line of lite’n healthy frozen entrees. The Chicken Tikka Masala was so perfectly seasoned that I found it hard to believe that Sukhi had managed to reduce the fat content from 9 grams to a skinny 3.5 grams per serving!


They could actually change the name of these crunchy, baked, multi-grain cracker/chips to FoodShouldTasteGreat and they wouldn’t be lying! I loved the olive flavor which is loaded with bits of black and green olives, and the Chocolates version are perfect when you want something just a little sweet to munch one.

3.LightFull Satiety Smoothy

This delicious tasting satiety (which means keeps you full and satisfied) smoothly is carefully formulated to keep most people full for 2+ hours, and weighs in at a measly 90 calories with 5 grams of fiber. LightFull is sweetened with real fruit, a tiny amount of evaporated cane juice, and erythritol (ir-rith-ri-tol), an all-natural, no-calorie sweetener that occurs naturally in some fruits. They are shelf-stable so make the perfect bring-along snack and are available in 5 creamy flavors including Chocolate Satisfaction, Peachy Cream, Café Latte, Strawberry Bliss and Mango Oasis, and their Chocolate Satisfaction, which tastes just like a fudgsicle when frozen.

4.Vita Coco- Nature’s Sport Drink.

There was another coconut drink at the show that had a fancier package and was getting all the buzz, but trust me, VitaCoco tastes much better! This fat-free natural drink has 15 times more electrolytes than artifical sports drinks, and contains two bananas worth of potassium, with only 60 calories. Made from Brazilian green coconuts the drink is available plain or with added tropical fruit flavors.
Tip: And just in case you had one too many, Vita Coco is the best natural rehydrant drink: so no more hangovers!

www.vitacoco.comMiscellaneous New Products

1.Tsp Spices

Organic spices in perfectly measured, freshly sealed, single use packages. Such a “no-duh” that it’s no wonder Real Simple magazine chose tsp spices as an ideal gift. So throw out all those rusty tins of spices you ordered on your rotary phone, and start fresh with a variety of tsp spices. Cleverly packaged in 1 teaspoons packets, twelve to a tin, it will do wonders for your cooking. Check out the website for a variety of recipe ideas.

2.Grind to the Rescue

Grind was established a few years ago by a waiter who was frustrated using ineffective pepper mills, so he developed their signature Reflex Mill, a stainless steel thumb action pepper grinder. Today they carry over 50 designer-looking salt and pepper grinders. What I particularly love is their Grind-on-the-Go stylish mini duo. With all the new imported salt and peppers on the market, there’s no need to ever suffer through a bland restaurant meal. Simply whip out your lucite travel- mini’s and spice things up.

3.Woodbridge Grill

Get Smokin’ this summer without all the fuss and bother. W.G. makes smoking idiot –proof with by offering your choice of wood chips, Toasted Oak, Mesquite, or Applewood, with a specially designed magnetic tin that snaps right onto your gas or charcoal grill. You’ll get all that natural wood flavor and clean up is a breeze.

4. Jelly Belly

The world-famous Jelly Belly jelly bean candy company’s newest flavor is their Dark Chocolate-flavored jelly bean variety. The decadent jelly bean is made with real dark chocolate and cocoa powder.
But even more exciting is their new Bean Boozled Collection. Bean Boozled will provide hours of hysterical fun for the young, or simply immature, when Jelly Belly dares you to compare 10 of their tastiest, most popular flavors with 10 of their weirdest ones. But there’s a catch – you won’t know which ones are which, since each pair is the same color. The black Licorice bean looks exactly like the Skunk Spray bean! Sweet, luscious Caramel Corn might also be Moldy Cheese. You may think you’re tasting their world-famous Buttered Popcorn bean, but what you’ll be biting into could actually be Rotten Egg. The only way to find out what beans you’re getting is to eat them—truth or dare!

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