Anyone want my place at the Thorrablot feast in Iceland?
Having never been to Iceland, when I received my invitation to attend a special Thorrablot feast, (which I had never heard of before,) I was ready to book my flight.I always say I will go ANYWHERE for a good meal…but I can’t tell you how thankful I am that I looked up the menu for a typical Thorrablot dinner on travel, cuz they lost me at the first course: Purtifed Shark!
Iceland’s midwinter feast Thorrablot held at any time during the month of Þorri, which begins on the first Friday after January 19th. This Scandinavian tradition takes place during the coldest dark days of the year, and many of the foods served are the smoked/pickled produce of the previous year.
For the midwinter feast, Icelanders serve what was normal day-to-day food for Vikings, and turn back to nature-made food that was smoked, laid in mysa (a sour milk-product), salted, dried or kaestur (rotting and setting meat).
Sample plate in photo:
1. Hakarl (putrefied shark)
2. Blodmor (filled sausage/black pudding)
3. Hrutspungur (ram’s scrotum with testicles)
4. Lundabaggi (sheep’s fat)
5. Svinasulta (jellied ham)
6. Svid (jellied sheep’s head)
7. Hardfiskur (bread spread made of fish)
8. Hangikjot (smoked lamb)