Wellness: A “Tahitian Princess” Rainbow

Wellness: A “Tahitian Princess” Rainbow

by Sharon Spence Lieb Offshore Bora Bora’s jagged peaks, the frenzy begins. Black tipped reef sharks circle a brave group of snorkelers. Thirty stingrays undulate around our legs, hungry for fresh sardines our guide tosses them. Overhead, two massive black frigate birds dive for leftovers.Just another exotic morning for “Tahitian Princess” cruise passengers who signed…

Wellness: Bali: Spa Those January Blues Away

Wellness: Bali: Spa Those January Blues Away

by Janice Nieder, Dining Diva I don’t know about you, but I really can’t stand January. All those depressing “has-been” Christmas trees littering the sidewalks, that pervasive feeling of guilt that comes from having already broken most, if not all, of your New Year’s resolutions, and the only thing left from all that holiday cheer…

Off to Africa Today!

Divas! The Spark delegation trip to Tanzania starts in a few hours. I am SO excited! Our itinerary is fabulous. From a day at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) to village visits to an eco-safari, Tanzania promises to transform… I’m on the board of Spark, and we are an organization that promotes education…

Climb Every Mountain: Visionary Alice Hiatt

Climb Every Mountain: Visionary Alice Hiatt

Alice Hiatt is an extraordinary woman. One of the top three finalists of this year’s Diva Visionary contest, she is a humanitarian, mountain adventurer, educator and healer. This Visionary is all heart, and soul. Raised in southern California and originally a surfer chick, Alice’s early work as an acupressurist took her around the world on…