Wellness: Scuba Do: A Diva’s Guide to Diving

Wellness: Scuba Do: A Diva’s Guide to Diving

by Cheri Eplin Envision a world without television, cell phones, computers, or commuter lanes. Imagine floating almost effortlessly suspended, where your only neighbors are a sea otter, a bat ray, or a rockfish, and—hopefully—your diving partner. If you can picture that scene, then perhaps you can conceptualize the sport of scuba diving. Scuba diving might…

Style: Artisans of Leisure: The Posh Lifestyle Goes Global

Style: Artisans of Leisure: The Posh Lifestyle Goes Global

by Kelsey Nagie Living a posh lifestyle does not have to be put on hold when a time of much needed vacation arises. Luxury can be a year-round amenity, especially in times of travel, whether it be savoring a delicious, exotic feast in Morocco or searching for unique keepsakes to remember a fabulous vacation in…

Wellness: The Private Tango Files II: Waikiki

Wellness: The Private Tango Files II: Waikiki

by Stephanie Block Apparently, Friday is military payday. That’s when all the boys come out to spend their hard-earned money like so many campers leaving bunkbeds behind. They flood the bars of Waikiki from Kaneohe Bay and other bases—this island paradise is littered with them. Which is why, in my opinion, they call it paradise…