Women winemakers

Wine tasting is one of my favorite things to do here at home and while I am traveling. This June 14th from 6-8pm at Butterfly in SF, several diva vintners are pouring for your pleasure. Heidi Barrett for Ravena Cabernet. AKA First Lady of Wine.             Pam Starr for Crocker…

Visionaries: Deborah Szekey: Rancho La Puerta Founder

Visionaries: Deborah Szekey: Rancho La Puerta Founder

By the fifth day of my stay at Rancho La Puerta, it all made sense. At last, I understood why Deborah Szekey, the founder and passionate Visionary of the outstanding spa in Tecate, Mexico, is adamant about the required one-week (Saturday-to-Saturday) stay at “The Ranch.” When I first started researching spas throughout North America, I…

Visionaries: Immaculée Ilibagiza: Rwandan Genocide Survivor

Visionaries: Immaculée Ilibagiza: Rwandan Genocide Survivor

by Stephanie Block Left To Tell is Anne Frank walking to freedom and Hotel Rwanda combined, a truly horrific and horrifically true story. Yet the book seems very unreal in a lot of ways because Immaculée lets us straight into her tormented soul, bright with devotion and torn apart by genocide. Will she survive? Will…

Visionaries: David Chamberlain: Philanthropic Travel Visionary

Visionaries: David Chamberlain: Philanthropic Travel Visionary

Visionary Philanthropic Travel: Be the Change Exquisite Safaris introduces a powerful new intention for your next international luxury experience: Peace, love and the luxury of understanding. Our mission is to facilitate your international philanthropic family legacy. Create your personal foreign policy while enjoying the richest luxury experience on the planet: creating a world we all…

Wellness: New Zealand: Cave Trekking by the Light of Bio-illuminescent Maggot Shit

Wellness: New Zealand: Cave Trekking by the Light of Bio-illuminescent Maggot Shit

by Alexa Trotta The thought of wading through murky waters surrounded by dark, slimy cave walls didn’t impress me at first. In fact most things that involve the word “slimy” don’t particularly excite me. So when Matt told me we were going cave spelunking in an underground dwelling of glowworms and who knows what else,…