FILM: The Peasants – a feast for the senses set in a starving rural scenario

FILM: The Peasants – a feast for the senses set in a starving rural scenario

I was fascinated and challenged from the moment this film started. At first I thought it was going in and out of focus or maybe the theater reel was just a bit off on timing – finally it dawned on me I was watching 2D Animation. Artist oil pastel renderings over each frame of footage….

Culture: Arizona, USA: Luxury Houseboating on Lake Powell

Culture: Arizona, USA: Luxury Houseboating on Lake Powell

  by Patti Mangan Men yelling, cussing, arms thrashing, chains clanging and slithering, sinking quickly with the weight of nearly 100 impaled fish. Alarming adult panic. I was eleven.  A wiry cousin had lost his sweaty grip on the day’s haul. First time I witnessed grown men cry. I flashed on this vivid memory of…