Sofitel Los Angeles turns the light out on global warming

On the heels of a successful Earth Hour event on Saturday, March 28, Sofitel Los Angeles has announced plans to extend the practice of turning the lights off each night for the rest of the year. This “lights out” ritual will be done as a continuation of the effort to raise awareness of the importance…

Just in time for New Year’s Eve :: Golden Star Sparkling Tea

Just in time for New Year’s Eve :: Golden Star Sparkling Tea

There will be no whining from the designated drivers if you have Golden Star’s White Jasmine Sparkling Tea on hand. I first discovered this boutique beverage at last year’s Fancy Food Show and had chosen it as one of the year’s best new products. It’s taken a while, but it’s finally available at Whole Foods…

Madeleine Albright With Shams Ensemble

Madeleine Albright With Shams Ensemble

Yesterday on KTLA Channel 9 in Los Angeles, Madeleine Albright spoke about her new book Memo to the President Elect: How We Can Restore America’s Reputation and Leadershipp she spoke about communication and partnerships as one of the ways that the new president can restore America’s good standing in the world. Communicate with other countries…

Crawling Down Cahuenga: Tom Waits’ Los Angeles

Crawling Down Cahuenga: Tom Waits’ Los Angeles

  If you can’t catch one of Tom Waits’ concerts this summer, you can still get an exclusive peak into his mysterious past and relive all of his shenanigans and adventures in Los Angeles- without the risk of getting arrested! Esotouric, the L.A. tour bus company, has designed Crawling Down Cahuenga: Tom Waits’ Los Angeles,…

Siteseeing in America’s Big Cities? Save Time AND Money with a CityPass

A visit to a major museum or historical site in New York, Boston, L.A., or any other one of America’s cultural hotspots can always be divided into two categories: the time you wait to buy a ticket, and the time you actually spend at the attraction. All too often these categories are equal, or the…