Two Travel Masters Embrace: Moleskine & Kindle

Two Travel Masters Embrace: Moleskine & Kindle

Every woman likes to accessorize. From the right blouse to the right cell phone cover, we use things to outwardly define our unique personalities. As members of Tango Diva, our style is creative, innovative, and culturally influenced. Thus, there is one master who knows how to accessorize our creative thoughts best: Moleskine. Sleek, luxurious, and…

Seattle: Sabrina Ward Harrison Creative Workshop April 23-25th

Seattle: Sabrina Ward Harrison Creative Workshop April 23-25th

Angela Ritchie’s Ace Camps SABRINA WARD HARRISON: Make Your Life Seattle, Washington, USA April 23 – 26, 2010 – Seattle, Washington, USA Sabrina Ward Harrison will be leading a workshop in Seattle, Washington on creating unique and very special visual journaling books. Join her as part of her True Living Project and let your creativity…