Culture: Arizona, USA: Luxury Houseboating on Lake Powell

Culture: Arizona, USA: Luxury Houseboating on Lake Powell

  by Patti Mangan Men yelling, cussing, arms thrashing, chains clanging and slithering, sinking quickly with the weight of nearly 100 impaled fish. Alarming adult panic. I was eleven.  A wiry cousin had lost his sweaty grip on the day’s haul. First time I witnessed grown men cry. I flashed on this vivid memory of…

person wearing blue jeans besides gray steel fence


Vancouver, B.C., always at the leading edge, Opus Hotels has introduced another precedent-setting green initiative. This time it’s hybrid car drivers-not to mention the planet they benefit-reaping the rewards. June 2 marked the beginning of the summer hybrid rewards incentive that sees guests who arrive in hybrid cars, which consume less gas, being rewarded with…

Style: Family Travel: Bring on the challenge, here we come

Style: Family Travel: Bring on the challenge, here we come

by Adrian Northrup & Julia Spiro Your vacations aren’t solo getaways or romantic trips for two. They’re more like action packed for three or more. With your children in tow, you love to travel, exposing your family to all sorts of worldly experiences, from historical sites to outdoor adventures. You have a lot of people…

Mama Mia – here I go again! My my, how can I resist you?

Mama Mia – here I go again! My my, how can I resist you?

LOL and dancin’ your booty – that’s what the audience will do as Mama Mia hits theaters this weekend! I laughed out loud, sang along, and even tear’ed up somewhere along the line. How does ABBA pluck our heartstrings decade after decade! I was delighted during the opening scenes as much as I was for…

Fitness Ridge (Movara), A More Compassionate Booty-Kicking Camp, Part II :: Ivins, Utah

Fitness Ridge (Movara), A More Compassionate Booty-Kicking Camp, Part II :: Ivins, Utah

Part TwoFlash forward one week later. We were both healthier, leaner, and, this is BIG, so much more relaxed and downright happy. Not one complaint had passed Sis’s lips for seven whole days, which has got to be an all time record! An intimate, structured environment, (though privacy is never an issue since there are…

the lone cypress at pebble beach california

Carmel- Artista Creative Safari

Need to escape this winter? Head to Carmel where contest winner Judi spent her creative retreat last Fall! Artista still has space in the February 12th-15th* 3-day Artista Abstract Painting safari in Carmel-by-the-Sea, offering last-minute rates. So grab a friend for a quick escape to California… where the sun still shines in wintertime. Special* Last-minute…