What To Expect When You’re Expecting: Film Review

What To Expect When You’re Expecting: Film Review

Critics will trash this film, audiences will make it a summer hit. What to Expect When You’re Expecting delivers exactly what you expect. Heidi Murkoff wrote the same-titled pregnancy manual 28 years ago. Hollywood has apparently decided the masses are ready to laugh at the terrifying side effects of being preggers. Stuff like uncontrollable flatulence,…

A Sun-Sational High Desert Escape: Tucson, Arizona

Divas… get ready for a taste of the Old West at downright outlaw pricing! This year marks Arizona’s Centennial Celebration – 100 years of culture, adventure and enterprise. The big birthday party includes a myriad of events, festivals and incredible offers. Tucson, located less than an hour from the Arizona-Mexico border, is no longer a…

Film Review: Disney on Acid; Sleeping Beauty (2012)

Film Review: Disney on Acid; Sleeping Beauty (2012)

Remember the Sleeping Beauty story of your childhood? You know, that family friendly, romantic fantasy musical? Ok, now take out everything but the beautiful girl and the fantasy, add a lot of soft core and inexplicable behavior. The 2012 Sleeping Beauty is a complete enigma. I suppose it’s about a young student exploring her sexuality,…

Mary Lou

Mary Lou

FILM REVIEW: The love child of Glee & Abba is living in Israel and her name is Mary Lou. This film is a wonderful romp with a serious message hiding inside. With only one sneak peak at the San Francisco Jewish Film Fest, Mary Lou is already catching the buzz in anticipation of it’s US…