Inspiration: Mexico: Listless in Ek Balam

Inspiration: Mexico: Listless in Ek Balam

by by Jennifer Anthony Everyone loves a vacation. But for list lovers (aka Listlubbers) such as myself, it is bliss, a chance to indulge my love and slightly manic preoccupation of constructing: • Catalogs; • Inventories; • Records; • Registers; • Rolls; • Files; • Indexes; • Directories; • Listings; • Checklists; and/or • Enumerations….

Inspiration: One Cup of Sugar, Several Chords of Classical Music Creates Elizabeth Podsiadlo, San Diego’s Opera Singing Chef

Inspiration: One Cup of Sugar, Several Chords of Classical Music Creates Elizabeth Podsiadlo, San Diego’s Opera Singing Chef

by Alexa Trotta Elizabeth Podsiadlo is busy coloring. She’s helping her eight-year-old daughter with a school project, but that doesn’t mean she’s unavailable for a quick chat. Podsiadlo is good at multi-tasking and as of now this opera singing chef’s plate is quite full. Her annual music program, “Slow Growth” just wrapped up which featured…

Inspiration: The 50-Plus Triathlete (or, I may be slow, but I’m not last)

Inspiration: The 50-Plus Triathlete (or, I may be slow, but I’m not last)

by Mary Leigh Burke I never used to be much of an athlete. My current co-workers would be shocked to hear me say that – since I’m now known as the office athletic fanatic. I spent most of my life existing only from the neck up. Back home in Grand Island, NY, outside of Buffalo,…

Inspiration: Meet Maria O’Reilly, Survivor and Stylist to the Stars

Inspiration: Meet Maria O’Reilly, Survivor and Stylist to the Stars

Spring is in the air and we Tango Divas are getting ready to pack our bags and do a little sightseeing. But before we zip up our gorgeous Goyard carry-on, we need to make sure we have the basics packed. And that is where Maria O’Reilly, 33, can help us out, because when it comes…

Inspiration: The Princess Project: FREE Prom Dresses for Girls In Need!

Inspiration: The Princess Project: FREE Prom Dresses for Girls In Need!

  by Madeleine Zinn Prom is a right of passage among many high school students. An integral part of the prom experience is The Dress. While the boys merely don a generic suit or perhaps a tuxedo tee (p.s. 1985 called and it wants its shirt back), girls can spend months searching for the perfect…