I spent a wonderful afternoon with one of my mentor from Stanford University, Sharon Bower. She is the author of two books that really helped my career: Asserting Yourself and Painless Public Speaking. She was hosting a cozy lunch at her home for Abigail Trafford. If the name sounds familiar – it should. She is…

Veggies are in luck!

Veggies are in luck!

Private Interview With Chef/Owner Nicolás Jimenez, Tubal Restaurant, Tafalla, Navarra Oozing boyish charm and patience, Chef Nicolás Jimenez sweetly smiled as he shook my hand and told me (after I had gone on for a good 10 minutes about how happy I was to meet him and learn more about his native Navarre cuisine) that…

Hope I’m not eating anyone’s brother or sister!

Hope I’m not eating anyone’s brother or sister!

Lights! Camera! Fish!: CineAqua, Paris After being closed for more than 20 years, Paris once again can proudly say that it has the biggest (and probably, the most expensive ) aquarium in all of Europe. CineAqua is located in the heart of Paris, entirely underground. The entrance is located in the Jardins du Trocadéro, below…

A Well Done Rarities Dinner: Highlands Inn Park Hyatt, Carmel, Ca

A Well Done Rarities Dinner: Highlands Inn, Park Hyatt, Carmel, CA Coming to you straight from the Twenty-First Annual Masters of Food & Wine Event being held at the historic Highlands Inn, Park Hyatt in Carmel, which has been voted one of the top hotels in North America by both Condé Nast Traveler and Travel…