Except for the Color Purple, this so works for me!

Yotel :: The iPod of the Hotel Industry, London Opening early next month at Heathrow, following a successful debut at London’s Gatwick airport, Yotel offers a new first-class layover option. Conveniently located right in the terminal, the Japanese-style Yotel gives you all the perks of an upscale hotel in a teeny little package, with a…

Global Greening: Lessons from Abroad

Hey, Divas! Be sure to check out the special year-end issue of Glimpse Quarterly, "Global Greening: Lessons from Abroad," which offers a compelling look at how the rest of the world is responding to increasing environmental threats through the eyes of our student and young adult correspondents Check out the PDF at this link: http://glimpsefoundation.org/downloads/issues/winter2007/Issue.pdf…

Fit for Platinum Card Holders, But Democratically Available to All:: Las Vegas

Fit for Platinum Card Holders, But Democratically Available to All:: Las Vegas

My sister blew in from New York for a week-end together in Las Vegas, en-route to our upcoming week’s stay at a new fitness resort, aka: the Compassionate Boot-Camp, in Utah. We checked into our digs for the night, a place I stumbled across on the internet, The Platinum Hotel & Spa. Sis was totally…

Off to Africa Today!

Divas! The Spark delegation trip to Tanzania starts in a few hours. I am SO excited! Our itinerary is fabulous. From a day at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) to village visits to an eco-safari, Tanzania promises to transform… I’m on the board of Spark, and we are an organization that promotes education…