Fit for Platinum Card Holders, But Democratically Available to All:: Las Vegas

My sister blew in from New York for a week-end together in Las Vegas, en-route to our week’s stay at the new Fitness Ridge Resort and Spa,aka: the Compassionate Boot-Camp, in Utah. (Watch for upcoming story.) We checked into our digs for the night, a place I stumbled across on the internet, The Platinum Hotel…

Off to Africa Today!

Divas! The Spark delegation trip to Tanzania starts in a few hours. I am SO excited! Our itinerary is fabulous. From a day at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) to village visits to an eco-safari, Tanzania promises to transform… I’m on the board of Spark, and we are an organization that promotes education…

Let’s Hear a Big TA-DAH for Teachers ::

Even better, let’s put our money where our mouths are, and support these often unsung heroes, by snapping up these waay cool Italian leather “Totes for Teachers.” DHL and Zac Posner partnered up to bring us these colorful, messenger-sized, expandable sporty bags that can hold your cell phone, make-up kit, power bar, with plenty of…